Wednesday, 25 January 2012

New Stoma!

We have just had Heidi fitted with her new stoma!  Please look at my new page, 'Stoma #2!' to read all about the new stoma and see her with it in.  Although its only been a few days, they have been so wonderfull compared to how we had been living, we are hopefull that this is the end of all the nasy operations for Heidi, and we can at last let her be a dog again, because although its been a massive strain for us, it must have been worse for her. 


  1. Hi Violet - We have read about your experiences with Heidi and her tracheostomy and found it to be very informative and interesting. Our Japanese Chin is scheduled to have a tracheostomy within the next few weeks and you have given us a preview of what to expect. Of particular interest was following your problems with the stoma and your eventual solution and improvements to the flesh tunnel. It appears that the wide flange design that you eventually ended up with is a one-of-a-kind development and not something that is readily available on the market. Can you provide any information on who manufactured it for you and any of the particular specifications? We would like to have this information available for our surgeon to review prior to having the operation done.

    We would very much appreciate anything you can offer in this regard.

    Carole and Bob Tomas

    1. Hello Carole and Bob,
      I have e-mailed you personally, but wanted to get the 'nuts and bolts' of how we did it out there: We approached a Sillicon manufactures with our design. We had a 'tool' made up, and then we had samples made up to take to the vets for approval and tweaking, trying it in eventally and then tweaking and changing as per our dogs needs. As for specifications, well, I couldn't say for sure now! We have changed it a good few times, and as it stands the only sample of our final design is in my dogs neck and hard to measure! I will post a photo of one of our original ones for an idea of where we started out: xx
